Live Out Victoriously Everyday
With all bases covered, you have the freedom to prioritize what truly holds value. This product encompasses a full range of benefits tailored to protecting you from the challenges that you might face.
Life Benefit
• A death benefit that pays a benefit amount if you pass away due to natural or accidental cause.
Accidental Death Benefit
• A benefit paid on top of the Group Life Insurance benefit amount if you pass away due to an accident.
Accident-related Emergency Hospitalization Benefit
• A health voucher that provides up to Php20,000 worth of coverage for emergency cases due to accidents. Services include outpatient emergency care, inpatient emergency care, laboratory and diagnostic procedures, and medicines as medically required.
It is accepted in more than 400 IHC – accredited hospitals nationwide including Top 6 hospitals.
The benefit limit covers these items:
Accidental Medical Reimbursement Benefit
• A benefit that reimburses medically necessary in-patient or out-patient expenses incurred as a result of accident.
Total and Permanent Disability Benefit
• A benefit advanced from the Group Life Insurance benefit amount when you suffer from total and permanent disability due to illness or accident.
You are considered to have been totally and permanently disabled if you are unable to perform at least three of the following six “Activities of Daily Living” for a continuous period of 6 months:
Funeral Assistance Benefit
• A benefit advanced from the Group Life Insurance benefit amount that the beneficiary will receive upon receipt and approval of the Insurer of the funeral invoice of the insured to help cover sudden funeral expenses.
Benefits | LOVE 1088 |
Life Benefit | ₱ 50,000 |
Accidental Death Benefit | ₱ 100,000 |
Accident-related Emergency Hospitalization Benefit | ₱ 20,000 |
Accidental Medical Reimbursement Benefit | ₱ 2,000 |
Total and Permanent Disability Benefit | ₱ 50,000 |
Funeral Assistance Benefit | ₱ 10,000 |
All registered app users of Aurora Star App also known as “Advocate” ages 18 to 65 years old at the time of application who are actively performing all the Activities of Daily Living.
“Activities of Daily Living” are daily routine tasks such as transferring, mobility, toileting, washing, dressing and feeding performed on your own without the need of other’s help.
Simply go to Products menu of the Aurora App, choose LOVE1088, complete your application, and pay for your premium.
Yes, buy as many LOVE1088 as you need, just keep in mind that your total benefit amount cannot exceed the maximum benefit amount indicated below at any given time. In case your total benefit amount exceeded the maximum benefit amount, any premium received in excess will be refunded to you.
Benefits | Maximum Benefit Amount |
Life Benefit | ₱ 500,000 |
Accidental Death Benefit | ₱ 1,000,000 |
Accident-related Emergency Hospitalization Benefit | ₱ 20,000 |
Accidental Medical Reimbursement Benefit | ₱ 20,000 |
Total and Permanent Disability Benefit | ₱ 500,000 |
Funeral Assistance Benefit | ₱ 100,000 |
ER Care FIT is for one-time use only, regardless if the total annual benefit limit is consumed or not. If you have already used your ER Care FIT health voucher, you can use your other ER Care FIT voucher to be covered again. An insured advocate can only be covered by one ER Care FIT at any point in time.
Your coverage for will start on the date of approval of your application and successful payment of the first annual premium and ends after a period of one year.
Yes, you will be receiving a notification in the Aurora App that your coverage is due to expire 60 days prior your plan’s expiry date. To renew your coverage, simply go to My Plans and click the renew button.
• Life Benefit
No death benefit will be payable if the Insured dies within the first year of coverage and the cause of death was proven to be suicide while He/She was sane. Death benefit will be payable if the suicide is committed while insane.
• Accidental Death Benefit
No Accidental Death Benefit will be payable if the death arises from any of the following:
• Accidental Medical Reimbursement Benefit
No Accidental Medical Reimbursement Benefit will be payable if the injury(ies) arises from any of the following:
• Total and Permanent Disability Benefit
No Total and Permanent Disability Benefit will be payable if the disability arises from any of the following:
• Total and Permanent Disability Benefit
No Total and Permanent Disability Benefit will be payable if the disability arises from any of the following:
• Accident-related Emergency Hospitalization Benefit
Non-emergency and pre-existing conditions, congenital and maternity-related conditions, and other conditions under IHC’s General Exclusions list are not covered by ER Care Benefit. An illness or condition is considered pre-existing if, prior to effective date of coverage:
Non-coverable accidents include, but are not limited to: self-inflicted injuries; injuries from professional sports and high-risk sports; injuries or illnesses due to military, paramilitary, or police service; injuries from high risk activities or suffered under conditions of war; and accidents that are secondary to or contracted due to degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s Disease and Parkinson’s Disease.
Pre-existing condition is a condition which you have previous received medical advice for, consultation or treatment; whose signs or symptoms are evident; or you are reasonably expected to be aware of, even if you did not seek medical advice, consultation or treatment prior to the start of your coverage or date of last reinstatement
You may appoint one primary and one contingent beneficiary. If you did not appoint any beneficiary or your appointed beneficiary is not alive, the benefit will be given to one of your surviving family members in the following order: 1) legal spouse; 2) children; 3) parents; or 4) brothers and sisters. If there are no valid beneficiaries alive, we will pay the amount to your estate.